Aims and Scope


The Journal of Preventive and Complementary Medicine aims to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to publish high-quality research articles, reviews, and original papers in the field of preventive medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, integrative medicine, public health, and related disciplines. The journal focuses on promoting preventive strategies, lifestyle interventions, complementary and alternative therapies, and holistic approaches to health and wellness.


The scope of the Journal of Preventive and Complementary Medicine includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
1. Preventive medicine strategies for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.
2. Complementary and alternative therapies including herbal medicine, acupuncture, yoga, meditation, and traditional medicine practices.
3. Integrative approaches to healthcare that combine conventional medicine with complementary and alternative therapies.
4. Public health initiatives and programs aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles, disease prevention, and health education.
5. Research on the efficacy, safety, and mechanisms of action of complementary and alternative therapies.
6. Health promotion and disease prevention strategies at the individual, community, and population levels.
7. Evidence-based practices in preventive medicine and complementary healthcare.

Overall, the Journal of Preventive and Complementary Medicine seeks to advance knowledge in the fields of preventive medicine and complementary healthcare, promote interdisciplinary collaboration, and contribute to the development of effective strategies for promoting health and preventing disease.